We love our fans!

Thanks to all who attended our Rockin’ the Boat concerts in December.

We had a record crowd for the Friday performance!

On Saturday we got a standing ovation!

We are still feeling the love, and we’re sending it right back to you.

Our next concert series is May 20-22. Watch for more news as those dates approach.

It’s On Record!

The Art Mob has a new CD, called Hope is the Sing with Feathers. That was the theme of our May 15 concert series, and the CD contains all the songs from it.

You can buy HopeFeathersCDone at our next concert series, Rockin’ the Boat, which we will perform at the Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A W. 13th Street in Greenwich Village on the first weekend in December:

  • Friday, Dec. 4, 8 PM
  • Saturday, Dec. 5, 8 PM
  • Sunday, Dec. 6, 3 PM

Rockin’ the Boat, December 4, 5, and 6

RockBoat1The Art Mob will be Rockin’ the Boat in three a cappella concerts at the Tenri Cultural Institute the first weekend in December. Drift along on a sea of musical pleasure, with songs that will bring waves of nostalgia, gales of laughter, and more.

Tenri is at 43A W. 13th Street, New York, NY.

Performance times:

Friday, December 4, 8 PM
Saturday, December 5, 8 PM
Sunday, December 6, 3 PM

The Art Mob Will Be Rockin’ the Boat in December



The theme for The Art Mob’s December 2015 concert series is “Rockin’ the Boat,” and we’ve chosen a raft of wonderful songs about … well, use your imagination.

As usual, we’ve chosen songs from a range of genres and eras for a program that we hope will make you laugh, sigh, maybe shed a tear or two, and yell for an encore.

Rehearsals are underway. Stay tuned for information about when and where the concerts will be.